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Tempered Glass Processing Equipment


One of our customers is the world’s leading manufacturer of tempered glass processing equipment. In order to ensure the forming and performance of tempered glass, large air volume and high pressure fans are the key equipment of it’s processing line.
Our Customer continues to pursue high-efficiency, low-energy, stable-running fans, and Ferrari Industrial Fans can the customer’s requirements.
Glass Tempered Industrial Fan

Project Solution

Since Ferrari Industrial Fans have impellers of various widths and different diameters, the company can reach high efficiency values under the air volume and pressure conditions required by our customer’s various glass production lines.
The outstanding performance of Ferrari Industrials Fans enabled customers not only to reduce the initial investment in the production line, but also to reduce energy consumption.

Project Outcome

Our customer has conducted performance tests on different series’ of Ferrari Centrifugal Fans. The measured parameters of the product have no negative deviations, which fully meet the relevant design parameters, and the product performance has been integrated seamlessly in our customer’s tempered glass production line.